Veterinary Acupuncture
Acupuncture For Healing & Recovery
Acupuncture, a practice in traditional Chinese medicine, aims to restore balance and promote healing by renewing the flow of energy within the body.
The ancient form of medicine is rooted in the belief that illness arises from an imbalance of vital energies within the body. In modern terms, acupuncture is believed to improve blood flow, leading to increased oxygenation in tissues.
At Eagle Ridge Veterinary Hospital, we provide acupuncture as an additional treatment option to support your pet's medical therapy to try and promote their overall well-being.
Acupuncture Technique & Benefits
Acupuncture involves the careful insertion of small needles into specific points on a pet's body known as meridians. These points are where blood vessels and nerves converge. The needles direct vital energy through these meridians. It is believed that this can support the nervous system by improving circulation, thereby enhancing the body's natural healing abilities.
At Eagle Ridge Veterinary Hospital, our acupuncture treatment may offer various benefits for your pet, including:
- Relaxing muscles and relieving pain
- Improving metabolic waste removal from the body
- Promoting an increased blood flow to boost oxygen in tissues
Common Acupuncture Uses
Our veterinarians may recommend acupuncture for a number of issues, including:
- Pain Management
Chemotherapy and other medical procedures can be extremely painful for your pet. These treatments are sometimes paired with acupuncture in an effort to ease suffering and assist your cat or dog in fighting their sickness.
- Musculoskeletal Issues
Acupuncture can be used to treat injuries. Acupuncture can also help with conditions like arthritis, nerve damage and hip dysplasia.
- Dermatology & Skin Issues
Acupuncture may help to enhance circulation, which can aid with hot spots, granulomas and allergic dermatitis. It may also help with healing and pain relief, resulting in less itching and over-grooming.
- Gastrointestinal Issues
Acupuncture may stimulate digestive secretions, which promotes good digestion. Increased blood flow may also help with conditions like diarrhea or nausea.
- Respiratory Issues
Acupuncture's possible immune-calming and anti-inflammatory properties can help with asthma, allergies and other diseases.